Looking for help ? Here are our most frequently asked questions.
What exactly is “Creditt+”?
Who is eligible to apply for a loan with Creditt+?
What are the documents required to be submitted to avail a loan?
What are the terms and conditions to avail a loan through Creditt+?
How long will it take for the loan amount to be credited to my Account?
Can the loan amount be credited to someone else’s Bank Account on my behalf?
Does Creditt+ offer secured loans or loans to self-employed individuals?
Where can I utilize the loan amount?
How does Creditt+ work? (procedure)
How can I collect my loan amount?
Who is Lender?
What is a NBFC?
Are the NBFCs regulated by any authority?
What do you mean by ‘partnered NBFC’?
What are the consequences of not paying the loan amount on time?
What information does Creditt+ have access to?
What is APR?
Why does Creditt+ take Aadhaar details? Is it accessible to everyone?
Who is the lender?
Where is all the data stored?
How does Creditt+ ensure maintenance of confidentiality of data collected?
Is Creditt+ regulated by any authority?
I am facing a technical issue. Where can I find assistance?
Where can I lodge a complaint?
What if my data is shared with third party without my permission?
What is the complete bifurcation of the costs charged by you?